Here's an update on my precious & pretty mummy's birthday! Although it's kinda late, but, IT'S IMPORTANT for me to update about her birthday! LOL, because she's important to me and her birthday is ESSENTIAL to all of us! Muahahahaha...
She's so old and cute right?
Muahahahah, she's so gonna kill me when she sees this!
( I'm just jk about the old thingy, she's not old! she's still pretty. like me!)
I know right, mothers are fierce and champions of nagging contest, sometimes we might feel like creating a switch to "turn off her sound volume". Well, maybe not 'we', but, I did! I once wished for a remote control to mute her. I was super BAD right? But, I was still so young and immature that time. Now, I cherish every moment I get to spend with my mummy, not only her, also MY DADDY and siblings.
We must know that our family members are those who won't abandon us when we're in troubles. They are those who treat us sincerely and truthfully. The main point is, time flies and we never know what will happen next, SO, do spend more of your time, our time with our precious family and cherish every moment. Everyone has weakness, so do I, so do you. So, don't keep those bad things or memories in your heart, let bygones be bygones, sleep and wake up the next day, and you will find out how fresh the air is. =)
*What I wanna say is, although my mummy is fierce and strict. She controls me and used to punish me very often, but I still love her, ALOT! No matter what, mummy is always the best, so as yours right?*
So, try not to show her temper, she has feelings too, she'll feel sad if her child show her tempers. Very pitiful you know?! She'd risked her life to deliver us to this wonderful world. Without her, I can't stay in front of my lappy and write this. Mummy, Thanks so much! Also, thanks to my granny for risking her life to deliver such a pretty mummy for me. *cheers*
March 18, 2012
We made her birthday cards.
She love it and she framed it! =)
Planned to do origami roses.
Unfortunately, I forgotten the steps!
Urghhhhh, phailed! Sorry, Mummy. =(
located at Viva Home, Cheras.
*She's a vegetarian*
Looks elegant right? Not cheap!
Their pot of Chinese tea cost us RM4.50/pax!
But, worth it also la, for their environment and "fast food" service.
One more thing! Viva Home's restrooms look amazing!
Very cowboy-ish! Me likey!!!!
And that's why me and my sis were so 38!
* passersby looked us with that "WTH" face. LOL*
I searched my whole lappy and only found these photos I took with my mum.
Felt awful, I just realized I have thousands of photos and only TWO photos with the precious ones?!
I should really reflect on myself! Bad daughter! Shame on myself. =(
Well, I guess that's it! Good night and Thank You for reading it!
Oh, Again! I wanna say Happy Birthday mummy, although it's over already!
I love you! ^.^