November 1, 2011 ]
Trick or Treat??? When I was young, every time I heard people talking about Halloween, first thing came into my head was call on houses to solicit gifts! Well, as I grow, I slowly know that it's actually children thingy and ONLY American children will go for trick or treat.
Halloween is a well-known American tradition, but its origins lie in medieval Europe. It used to be the practice of souling where people going from door to door on or about All Souls Day to solicit gifts of food in return for prayers for the dead. The tradition has altered so that it is now children, usually dressed in disguise, who go about asking for gifts around the beginning of November.
Okay, let's not talk too deep bout Halloween anymore. I'm pretty sure you guys are more interested in what I did for my Halloween night and the photos right?

It's also the same thing here, big hall with spooky decorations, free mocktail drinks and refreshments, bands and singing performance and the best thing was people with interesting outfits! Hooo~~ My eyes couldn't lay off those sexayyy ladies.. =) Here, take a look of our photos!!
Yeap.. Trying to act like a witch!!! Hahaha...
I personally LOVE this photo! Everyone looked creepy here!
#creditstomymakeupskill# *Clap!Clap!*
2 sexy ladies - Devil, Jack, Angel
WitchDoctor, Corpse Bride, Witch
-------------------------- THE END --------------------------
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